Saturday, February 05, 2011


Here is a very cool class photo from Webster Elementary School, Mrs. Jones' class.. Many of us have fond memories of chasing each other around that school and playground, trying to pay attention during what at the time was called "progressive" elementary curriculum and instruction.

Bill McClure sent the picture. He is in the 2nd row, identified as "me"
Bill writes:

"I am amazed at some of the things my mother saved and other things simply disappeared while I was in the Marine Corps. It is so strange how some things seem to remain in our memory for very long periods of time. I remember Dr. Edith Roach Snyder, Principal, Ruth Decou, PhysEd Teacher and Thelma Jones our 4-6th grade teacher. This has to be 1952 as we did three years at Washington Jr. High and three at PHS, 59 years ago. Everytime I see our time there identified as PCHS on the internet it concerns me. We were the last graduating class at PHS (or maybe the January Class), because Northern opened in 1959."

Dave Kimball is sending me a copy of a graduating class photo of Webster School, Mrs. HInkley's class. I will add it to this post.

Double click the photo for a full screen view.


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